SubProfit Publishing House (China)

SubProfit 出版社



我们的一位主要作者是马丁·诺瓦克(Martin Novak),他的著名作品包括:

  • 《与聊天的对话》——与AI进行哲学与技术对话
  • 《量子学说:初学者指南》——量子学说的介绍
  • 《量子占星学》——一种革命性的占星学方法
  • 《符文的力量:符文作为潜意识和宇宙模拟的钥匙》——深入探索符文
  • 《活神之书:Bô Yin Râ著作的引言与解析》——经典灵性著作的解读



SubProfit 出版社:一家快速成长的出版社,专注于科普、商业、励志、神秘学、玄学、身心健康、奇幻和青少年文学(YA)书籍的出版。

About Our Publishing House

We are a rapidly growing publisher, specializing in popular science, business, motivational, esotericism, mysticism, wellbeing, fantasy, and YA books. Our catalog features works by both Polish and international authors, and our books are now available on Amazon, with more releases coming soon. We are proud to offer titles that inspire, broaden horizons, and engage readers on multiple levels.

One of our leading authors is Martin Novak, whose notable works include:

  • Conversations with the Chat – a philosophical-technological dialogue with AI,
  • Quantum Doctrine: A Beginner’s Guide – an introduction to the Quantum Doctrine,
  • Quantum Astrology – a revolutionary approach to astrology,
  • The Power of Runes: Runes as Keys to the Subconscious and Cosmic Simulation – an in-depth exploration of runes,
  • The Book of the Living God by Bô Yin Râ: Introduction and Analysis – an interpretation of a classic spiritual work.

Our mission is to provide readers with inspiring and innovative content that responds to contemporary interests and challenges.

We invite authors who wish to collaborate with us to reach out at:

Together, we are creating a space for literature that connects science, spirituality, and entertainment, opening new paths of knowledge and personal growth.

SubProfit Księgarnia Ludzi Sukcesu. Sekrety Bogactwa, filozofia sukcesu, psychologii pieniędzy, wealth mindset, poradnik milionera

Wybrane książki

Rozmowy z Czatem. Martin Novak
Moc Run. Runy jako Klucze do Podświadomości i Kosmicznej Symulacji. Martin Novak